A new, updated, second edition of Epoxy Injection in Construction is now available. In it John Trout presents the science as well as the art that assures the successful injection of faults in concrete. John covers an abundance of new material as well as the basics in a clear and logical manner. This book is of value to applicators, specifiers, and those responsible for quality control on injection projects.

This expanded 85 page edition includes: four additional chapters; updated information on refinements in technology, techniques, and chemistry; a fresh chapter on the role of the owner’s representative on the injection project; and more than 100 photographs and illustrations.

The author is the founder of the Lily Corporation, a manufacturer and supplier of products used in injecting and dispensing two-component construction adhesives. His experience in epoxy injection and concrete restoration spans four decades. He is an internationally recognized expert in these fields.

This second edition of Epoxy Injection in Construction can be ordered online from: